What We Do
Tent Revivals
Tent Revivals are the very heart-cry of Fire Falling Ministries. They are the reason this ministry began, and what the main focus of our outreach is. Evangelism, we believe, is the sole most important calling every believer has within the body of Christ. We yearn to take the Gospel from San Diego to Houlton! For Every revival we do not look to grow a ministry, but the body of Christ. Every new believer will be followed up with by one of our participating churches to be discipled, because we long to see disciples and not just converts. These are powerful days, where the sick are healed, demons are expelled, the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, and the lost find life in the only one who gives it. Jesus Christ. Join us for these powerful events, or volunteer to help us in them to see the lost saved and the spiritually dead raised into newness of life.
Fire Nights are all about the saturation of the presence of Jesus through His beloved Holy Spirit. It is a night full of worship and prayer. We have no agenda on these nights, just coming together to get ourselves into the presence of God. On the nights we often see healing miracles, baptism in the Holy Spirit, Salvation, and many other things. We would love to see you at our next Fire Night!
Y.E.S. Days
Y.E.S DAYS stand for yearning for everyone's salvation, as well as saying "YES!" to the calling of God to bring the Gospel to the lost. Y.E.S DAYS are about going out and being the hands and feet of Jesus. We bring the Gospel in power and love to the streets, the beaches, and to the suburbs! We have seen so many people healed physically in a moment. As well, we have seen Jesus touch peoples hearts dramatically as they weep and repent in turning back to their first love. We long eagerly to see God move in this nation, and believe that preaching the Gospel is our greatest offense against the gates of hell! Join us!